• Jun 2020 -- Present

Machine Learning Engineer Intern

OKAKI Health Intelligence Inc

Through MITACS Accelarate Scholor program, I got the opportunity to work with Okaki and gain valuable industry experience.

  • April 2020 -- Present

Publicity Director

Computing Science Graduate Student Association(CSGSA)

I'm primarily in charge of promoting and creating opportunities for professional, personal, and academic development of the students. CSGSA represents the interests and looks after the well-being of all the graduate students by advocating for them at the department.

  • Jan 2019 -- May 2019

Analyst Intern

Deloitte USI

During my winter Internship at the Deloitte, I worked on Identity and Access Management and Enterprise Resource Management tools and learned best practises in the industry. I also researched on Social Physics and it's future applications in the financial industry.

  • Sept 2017 -- Dec 2018

DSC Lead

Google Developers

As the lead for Developer Student Club by Google Developers, I worked on organising and delivering mobile/cloud development focused workshops to fellow students, identifying local organizations who can benefit from mobile solutions, and facilitate solution development activities.

  • Sept 2016 -- May 2019


National Service Scheme

I was an active volunteer of NSS for one-and-half years before my appointment for the post of President. I organized several cleanliness drives, blood donation campaigns, and campaigns to spread literacy among underprivileged children and educate people in rural areas about the importance of digitization with a team of 100+ volunteers.

  • Aug 2017 -- May 2019

Communication Chair

American Society for Quality

Received Yellow Belt in Six Sigma and Lean Management. As the communication chair for the ASQ Chapter organised events for certificate training, quality conclave by industry professionals.

  • Nov 2017


Grace Hopper Conference India

Received scholorship by Google to attend this opportunity aimed at women studying technical degrees or women pursuing careers in tech, and who will extend the learning & development to grow women in tech. It was an exhilarating mix of skilling sessions, motivational talks, hands-on workshops, gala nights, networking opportunities, and of course, inspired learning – where I engaged with some of the leading lights from Google and luminaries from the industry.

  • Oct 2016



Anchor at TEDx, The NorthCap University